Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

A new furry hentai game!

Here’s a new furry hentai game I found just recently! There haven’t been much of them lately, but sometimes I get around to find an interesting new furry porn game that isn’t just an animated loop.

The foxy furry girl Kelly works at a restaurant at the beach, and the customers wants to fuck her, of course 😉


Click on the picture above to play this furry hentai game, and enjoy!

Where oh where have all the furry hentai games gone?

My blog’s been dead silent for some time. There doesn’t seem to be made any new furry hentai games out there, or at least I have not been able to find them 🙁

I will update my blog as soon as I find some. If you know of any furry hentai games that I have not yet mentioned, please post in the comments and let me know ^_^

Welcome to Furry Hentai Games!

Welcome, everyone, to my new blog Furry Hentai Games! ^^

I created this blog to inform you all of any furry porn/furry hentai games. After all, they are pretty rare, but still, some do exist. I hope you will enjoy this blog, I’ll try to keep it updated whenever I find any news on furry porn games!



Hentai paysite


Pleasure bon bon