New furry hentai game sidescroller!
Okay, so it isn’t exactly brand new, but I haven’t updated this website in a while because I have had other things on my mind than playing furry hentai games. Oh well. Here’s at least a fully furry hentai game, playing as a sidescroller!
It’s called “Running Raccoon”, and its gameplay is rather interesting. The raccoon runs by herself, all you need to do is controlling her jumps. You can also collect stars on each level for a bonus CG. Simple, but quite entertaining! The game has both animations (full frame sized!) and CG’s. Cute story, too.
Here’s some screenshots:
A new furry hentai game!
Here’s a new furry hentai game I found just recently! There haven’t been much of them lately, but sometimes I get around to find an interesting new furry porn game that isn’t just an animated loop.
The foxy furry girl Kelly works at a restaurant at the beach, and the customers wants to fuck her, of course
Click on the picture above to play this furry hentai game, and enjoy!
Witchcraft hentai game
“Witchcraft” is not entirely a furry hentai game (yes, I know, two posts in a row not completely dedicated to furry porn. But this one’s worth it!) but it contains several characters that could be labeled furry or at least semi-furry: catgirl, catboy, lamia, some kind of bug-thing, dragon, reptile man, and a honey bee).
The game follows some kind of platformer style with a sex battle. It’s animated, and there’s lots of sex actions to choose from. The game is made by Vanja, and I have to say it’s the strongest game production from her so far. There is also a free demo on her website:
Full game can be played on Ero-Mania, and you can enter her site from the main page at
Avatar porn game
Well, okay…so it isn’t really “furry” in the sense most of you people think of the genre. However, I thought it comes pretty close. In this Avatar porn game you’re going to get the sexy Navi all heated up for you
(NOTE: when you get to the blowjob scene, use the anal beads on her ass to get to the cum scene )
Legend of Krystal, a furry hentai game!
Legend of Krystal, and Legend of Krystal, Another tail are furry hentai games in flash format created by someone called Playshapes. They are pretty fun and should provide you some really hot furry hentai action! Playshapes has created some other games too, but seems to be mostly centered around Super Mario characters and not so much furry ones. You may find out more if you google up his Newgrounds account, if you’re into more than just furries.
Play these furry hentai games at this website:
Bibbi’s Spells, a new furry porn game!
There is a new furry hentai game out, created by Vanja, for Ero-Mania. It’s called Bibbi’s Spells, and it is a sequel to the game Bibbi’s Curse. Personally, I’ve played both of them, and while I liked Bibbi’s Curse, I must say I liked Bibbi’s Spells a lot more! In fact it is my favorite furry porn game so far!
The game play is very different from the first Bibbi game. While the first one was a typical platformer, this one is more a mix of a platformer with puzzle elements in it, and much, much more sex and animations. You are mixing spells from a menu, and get different results. Your goal is to get five of the spells (Breast Expansion, Dicknipples, Pregnancy, Bondage and Dickgirl – none of these are shown in the preview pictures here.)
I have played it several times and really enjoyed it, it is not a game you’ll be able to defeat on the first try. There’s many interesting spell mixes, from the giant lactating tits and giant cock shooting a big load of sperm (shown in two of the pics over), as well as egglaying, tentacles, and my favorite: the trickster demon animation. There’s 22 different spell results. If you get the five spells she wants it will also unlock a gallery where you can view all the animations without playing the game to get them.
All in all, the best furry hentai game surprise for me so far!
Full game can be played on Ero-Mania, and there is a preview page over at the artist’s website at
Where oh where have all the furry hentai games gone?
My blog’s been dead silent for some time. There doesn’t seem to be made any new furry hentai games out there, or at least I have not been able to find them
I will update my blog as soon as I find some. If you know of any furry hentai games that I have not yet mentioned, please post in the comments and let me know ^_^
Furry porn games by Toon Pimp!
Now this site is a goldmine! It has several furry porn games, including Cracklevania, Pepe Le Rapist, Fifi’s Fury, and Polly’s tale, as well as several flash animations.
Head over to to play these awesome furry porn games!
Pleasure Bon Bon Furry Hentai Games
Pleasure Bon Bon is a furry porn website, that contains monstly comics but also has some pretty nice and sexy furry hentai games.
There are animated furry hentai games, as well as poker, stripping games, black jack, gem swap, and puzzles. The art is great here too, very high quality. Visit Pleasure Bon Bon now, and enjoy some great furry porn games! ^_^
High Tail Hall furry porn game!
Here I have found another furry porn game. It is called High Tail Hall. The game is created by David M. Pearlman.
The game is available on HTH Studios, and there is also another furry porn game there that’s called “Rose” (this is just an interactive flash video, but it’s good nonetheless).